Is CRM Software Right for Me?

Is Customer Relationship Management Software Right for Me?

Every business has different needs. CRM, or Customer Relationship Management conquers those needs by improving your customer service, decreasing overall costs, and increasing productivity. Evaluating which type of CRM is best for your business can be intimidating, so check out this guide that breaks it down for you!

What is a CRM?

CRM is an automated system which keeps track of customer habits and responses. The system provides your employees with information on your customers like their social media, email, website, phone, and live chat responses, so as to build a profile of the customer. A CRM is beneficial for a business that deals directly with client acquisition.

What Will My Company Use CRM for?

When selecting CRM, you need to evaluate your company’s goals.

  • Overall, what is your company trying to get out of the CRM?
  • Are there any specific challenges that the company can solve with a CRM?
  • What business insights are you hoping to receive?
  • In what specific ways will a CRM help with productivity?
  • Do multiple employees currently interact with customers?
  • What is your current system for storing client data? What could be improved?
  • Will it increase my company’s ROI?

Once you’ve determined your goals, write them down. Pick five vendors and compare and contrast each vendor’s features. Ranking each vendor on a scale of one to five in each category is a handy way to keep track of this information.

How Much Does a CRM Cost Per Month?

The annual cost of a CRM is determined by the number of months of service x the amount of users. We have a calculator page to make this easier for you.

Installing CRM Software

It’s a common myth that CRMs are difficult to install and set up. Still, you should compare and contrast the installation time, labor involved, and cost of installation. eZnet’s Private Cloud package, for example, comes with free installation.

Does CRM make sense for the size of my business?

Scalability is important to your CRM needs. Are you choosing a system that is tailored to the size and needs of your business? Will you be able to grow with it? Factor in the size and output of your business when making your selection. Be sure to ask your sales representative if they have specific options for businesses of different sizes, and what they recommend.

Ease of Use

Is your CRM system designed to be user friendly? Will the interface be easy for your employees to adapt to? Does it come with cumbersome external equipment you do not need?

Customer Support

What is the customer support like for your CRM provider? Feeling comfortable with the customer service experts behind your CRM can make or break the user experience for you. Make sure that your CRM provider’s customer service team is willing to go above and beyond. You want support that is always available and offers intuitive support.

Mobile Availability

Does your CRM have mobile capability? This is an important factor if you often deal with clients in the field.

Consider eZnet CRM

eZnet CRM is the best choice for your CRM needs. We offer multiple packages for the needs of every type of business, like mobile capability, top notch 24-hour customer support, ease of use, and low costs starting at just $9.99 a month. Give us a call today!

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