New Leads via Social Media

How Can My Business Acquire New Leads via Social Media

Utilizing a CRM is about more than just managing existing customers. It’s also about the ability to easily add new customers into the mix. Do you remember the first time you heard about using social media for business purposes? You probably did not really believe that it could serve you or your customer. And yet, social media currently persists as one of the most effective ways to improve your existing customer base and reach out to new customers. Read on to learn some of the top ways to bring in new leads with social media.


Monitor Those Red Hot Potentials

Social media goes beyond customer service or answering questions that relate to your brand. You can also track trends to learn about data in your product category and industry. These data points are all valuable for refining new hot leads into your CRM software services


Stay Responsive on Social Media

In this instant society, customers want a quick response on social media whether it’s a question or a comment. Make sure you have a social listening plan and set goals for customer service to respond to all of the messages they receive.


Using the Call-to-Action Button on “The Book”

Facebook implemented a new feature at the end of last year known as “Call to Action”. This feature allows a client to book a meeting, sign up, or contact you, among other things. This is a great way to prompt action as soon as possible and begin that important relationship with your new customer.

Social media marketing is all about sharing content, but it’s crucial that you share images a lot! Tweets that have photos, for example, are twice as likely to be re-tweeted by other Twitter users (thus getting your name out there to other consumers). Increased engagement is likely when you regularly use images.


Social Advertising Is Genius

You should always be expanding the reach of your audience, but it’s not always easy to do this on social media. Within apps like Facebook, for example, you can generate a look-a-like audience that is similar to a specific sector that has a lot of value, like your email subscribers. This gives you a new opportunity to broaden your reach and adding people who have similar characteristics to your world.


Get Accustomed to a Custom Audience

Active Audiences can help you reach new customers in addition to customers you already know. You can use specific targets, like a group of people who signed up for last month’s webinar or participants of a recent conference. When you know what this group is interested in, you can target them with additional information and enhance your existing relationship with ease.
Use these tips to stay on top of social updating and effectively get these customers into your cloud based CRM software for the long-term.

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